Life insurance

A Visual Guide to Choosing the Right Life Insurance for Your Family

By Jessica Sillers Aug 7, 2023

In this article

Life insurance can offer an important source of financial protection and security for your family. People seek out life insurance for different reasons, so it’s important to find a policy that offers the benefits you value most.

Life insurance comes in two main categories, term and permanent insurance. Term life insurance offers coverage for a specific period of time. When the term ends, you’ll need to shop for a new policy if you want continued coverage. Many families prefer term life because premiums are much lower than comparable permanent policies. Whole life is a popular form of permanent life insurance. It offers a guaranteed death benefit as long as your policy is active, and you can build funds in a cash value component that you can borrow from while you’re alive. Lifelong coverage is an important advantage, but premiums are considerably higher.

The thing is, while it’s helpful to understand what your life insurance options are, that doesn’t always answer the question of which is best for you. What if cheaper premiums and a guaranteed benefit both sound good? How deep do you dive into research before your eyes glaze over and you give up and flip a coin?

Don’t call heads or tails yet. If you’re on the fence about which type of insurance is right for you, try our easy, just-for-fun flow chart first. You’ll still need to check your result against your real-life situation (family life is complex, and details really do vary), but we can at least help ask the questions that can point you in a helpful direction.

A flow chart depicts whether term life, whole life, an insurance combo, or no life insurance are appropriate for you based on the initial questions that ask whether you have dependent children that need lifelong care or if loved ones rely on you.

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Written by

Jessica Sillers

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